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A Network of Independent Mortgage Bankers

About SAM

Founded in 1998, Strategic Alliance Mortgage, LLC (“SAM”) is a company comprised of the top independently owned commercial real estate investment banking firms located throughout the United States.

What SAM Does

The member firms utilize their shared national knowledge to execute superior capital market solutions for developers, commercial real estate investors, investment firms, asset management firms, real estate investment trusts and private real estate equity firms.

Expert Lending Takes Many Forms.

SAM Professionals can originate financing for all multifamily and commercial real estate properties leveraging a variety of loan products.

City Skyline Image by Fineas Anton

Our Members

Strategic Alliance Mortgage has offices located throughout the United States. For the SAM office in your region, use the below map to click the marker nearest you – and find yourself one step closer to local expertise and superior capital markets execution.

Our Results

Our group of 15 privately owned firms originate debt and equity transactions from 37 offices in over 50 markets. We currently service loans for Life Insurance Companies, Banks and CMBS platforms. Collectively SAM is one of the largest commercial mortgage banking platforms in the United States with shared technology and producers active in the represented markets.


Privately owned firms





Lenders Represented







Current Market Rates

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